Friday, January 2, 2015

One Last Thought - Avoid Riding the Wave

When waves of change come along, one can adopt one of three strategies: get bowled over by the wave, adjust to the waves, or ride the waves. Getting bowled over is not a good strategy but it is the implicit strategy of those who are in denial about the change. Riding he wave sounds like a good strategy and while that is seductive, it is fraught with problems. Of all the people that ride the wave a very, very small number become very, very successful. Most just get dumped off and crash. It takes special talent to ride the wave. And while we know about those notable few who do, we never hear about the tens of thousands who did not handle it all as well. Even if you do manage to ride the wave successfully, you will be defined by the wave. When the wave subsides, which it always does you will be left having to redefine yourself anyway.

Adjusting to the wave is the best idea. Acknowledge that change is coming. Accept it and incorporate it into your  life. Try to create a new vision of yourself adjusting over time to the changes that are occurring. Take small steps to respond to the changes. Over time as things begin to calm down again, you will be in a good position to take advantage of the new situation.

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