Monday, May 10, 2010

Apocalyptic Thinking in Practice

Equilibria are very common in nature. But, are equilibria enforced by laws of nature or by a higher power? If you believe that an equilibrium is enforced by a higher power and that the equilibrium is based on human values, then you are engaging in apocalyptic thinking.

Consider a few examples. Let's say that a child constantly talks back to his or her parents until the child gets sent to his or her room; or some other appropriate punishment. We might say that they got what they 'deserved'. If somebody consistently performs poorly at their job until they get fired, we might also say they got what they 'deserved'. In these two case the 'higher power' (the parents in the first case and the boss in the second case) brings things back into an equilibrium based on human values (respect and hard work).

However, if we turned a glass full of water upside down and the water poured out, we would not say that the water got was it 'deserved'. The water simply followed the laws of nature. But, with people, at what point is the equilibrium enforced artificially and at what point is it merely natural law? If somebody spends their money foolishly and goes bankrupt, is that artificial or natural? If a company goes backrupt due to mismanagement is that natural or artificial? If an economy goes into a recession after a period of growth, is that natural or artificial?

Clearly, at some point, equilibrium have natural and not artifical causes. However, if you beleive that all equilibria are the result of intervention from a higher power metaphysical or divine, you are a card carrying apocalyptisit.

Next we will look at some examples of apocalyptic thinking in history up until modern times. In the following posts, I will provide some very recent examples to show that apocalyptic thinking is still alive and well.

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